Struggling with messy notes? transforms them into personalized flashcards and quizzes - typed or handwritten, in any language. Focus on learning, we’ll handle the rest.
About app
Snap a Photo
Simply snap a photo of your notes, whether typed or handwritten, and let AI do the rest. No more sorting through messy papers - turn them into study material instantly!
Learn from flashcards
Watch your notes come to life as interactive flashcards. Study smarter with bite-sized information tailored to your pace and preferred language, making learning more efficient.
Test yourself with quizzes
Put your knowledge to the test with personalized quizzes designed just for you. Stay on track and ensure you’re ready for any deadline, all while having fun.
FlutterFlow AI for Good Hackathon Runner-Up
How many study sets can I create for free?
What happens if I want more study sets?
Do the study sets expire?
Can I upload handwritten notes?
In what languages can the materials be generated?
Download App
Ready to level up your learning? Download the app now and transform your notes into powerful study tools. Start your journey today and make learning easier, faster, and more effective.
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